Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Traveling Tuesday

Today we spent the day traveling to São Pedro do Ivaí in the state of Paraná. We left Curitiba around 9:00am and got to tonight's hotel around 6:30pm. What a long day of driving!! It wasn't too bad though because I was able to read some books that I had downloaded onto my iPad. I also played a card game called Mou with a few people for a little while but that was difficult since the bus ride is so bumpy. 

 I've gotta say that there is pretty much nothing to do in this little town. I'm also not a huge fan of this hotel. There was definitely a bug on my towel, which means I'm totally not showering. Lol The decor in our room is pretty interesting, very colorful.

 I'm glad we are only spending one night here before we move on to the next place tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day that we will be visiting the company that I made my pre-trip in class presentation on. I hope it's exciting!

In Brazil, they do a lot of receiving and have multiple bins lined up for different things. 

I wish this was something that I saw more of in the United States. Pitthas some  recycling bins on campus, but I have heard that the custodians just throw it all into the trash anyways which is sad.  When my husband and I were living in Churchhill, the community decided to start curbside recycling, and people were going door to door to protest it!!!! I wish more people were interested in doing things like recycling an composting their trash.


  1. I will never understand why people adamantly oppose recycling. It requires no more effort than sticking trash in a rubbish bin and the benefits are so great. Do you remember what each of the four recycling bins were for? It looks like the red one might be plastics.

  2. Yeah, I believe the red one was for plastic. There were some places that had like 10 different bins all lined up, plastic, metal, paper, organics, glass, batteries, etc. It's just crazy to see how much other countries are doing for the environment and then you come back to America where people can't even be bothered to throw something in a trash bin and instead throw it on the ground. ugh
